Double Your Business in 3 to 6 Months Effortlessly

Custom Software Solutions tailored for your business can set you free! See how Grata can deliver within 6 months or less.

What if you could catapult your growth by 30-50% within 3-6 months?

With Grata, it’s not just possible, it’s effortless. Our team of seasoned designers, architects, and engineers collaborates with you to understand your specific challenges and goals. We craft elegant, secure solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and scale with your growth, all through a painless, collaborative process.

Is your technology holding your business hostage?

You’re not alone. Off-the-shelf solutions don’t fit your unique needs, leaving you with frustrating limitations and wasted potential. You know you need a change, but the thought of custom development seems daunting and expensive.

Addressing Your Concerns

Isn't custom software too expensive?

Not with Grata. We offer transparent pricing and flexible engagement models to fit your budget. Our solutions deliver a high return on investment by boosting efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction.

What about security and compliance?

Security is paramount at Grata. We build software with industry-leading security practices and ensure compliance with SOC2, FedRamp, PCI, GDPR, CIS, and OWASP standards.

I'm worried about the development process being too complex.

We make it easy. Our collaborative approach involves you every step of the way, from initial planning to launch and ongoing support. You’ll have clear communication and access to a dedicated project manager throughout the process.

Why Grata over Off-the-Shelf Solutions?


Grata tailors solutions to your exact needs, eliminating the limitations of generic software.


Our solutions grow with your business, unlike off-the-shelf options that often become bottlenecks.


We prioritize security throughout the development process, giving you peace of mind.


You own your custom software, unlike subscription-based models that lock you in.

Custom Software Solutions & Seamless Implementation

Need for Custom Software

Forbes Insights

A study by Forbes Insights revealed that **70% of businesses say custom software solutions provide a competitive advantage.

The Competitive Advantage of Custom Software Solutions


Deloitte reports that 62% of organizations attribute their growth to custom software applications.

The State of Custom Software Development


Capgemini’s research found that businesses using custom software achieve increased agility (84%), improved customer satisfaction (73%), and higher operational efficiency (69%).

The Business Value of Custom Software Applications

Importance of the Right Solutions Provider

Clutch’s 2023 Report reveals that choosing the right software development partner leads to better project outcomes by 51%.

2023 Development & IT Services


Gartner predicts that by 2025, 70% of all software projects will utilize external development services, highlighting the need for reliable partners.

Predicts 2023: Infrastructure & Operations

Data on Onshore Providers

Nearshore America

Clutch’s 2023 Report reveals that choosing the right software development partner leads to better project outcomes by 51%.

2023 Development & IT Services

Stakes Research

Stakes Research data shows that onshore providers have a 92% success rate in meeting time and budget constraints, compared to 82% for offshore providers.

Global Software Sourcing Best Practices


The team delivered a solution beyond our expectations. It’s had a significant impact on our productivity.

Brian Hamaoui
CEO, MyGuestBook

They took away the stress and complexity of software development. Our operations have never been smoother.

Jared Schneider
CEO, Caretime Health

They truly understood our needs. The software they developed has become indispensable to our business.

Dustin Reinek
President, RipplePoint

Unsure if custom software is right for you?

Our Free Discovery is a no-obligation consultation to assess your technology and explore possibilities. Talk to Grata today!