We’re Starting a Technology Podcast!

Home 9 Artificial Intelligence 9 We’re Starting a Technology Podcast!

During my time as a journalist, I had a line I often used when people asked what I do.

It was mostly tongue-in-cheek and silly but, at times, I really felt it represented my approach toward writing about technology.

Basically, I would say that I’m the dumb guy who writes about smart people.

Now, worry not: I know I’m not dumb.

But I really believe my role has long been to provide a bridge between those who are steeped in the tech world every day and those who are not.

‘Dumbing Down Tech’

With that in mind, my friend Rey Ortega and I recently started talking about a potential collaboration.

He’s the guy behind Grata Software in downtown Orlando. We met years ago while I was a covering tech for the Orlando Sentinel.

One thing we have in common is genuine curiosity and appreciation for technology. We both belong to an age group that grew up observing a quickly evolving technology ecosystem.

With that in mind, we decided to add our voices to the world of podcasts with “Dumbing Down Tech.”

Stay tuned for its launch in the weeks to come.

The idea behind DDT is to use my interviewing skills to deep dive into specific technology topics.

For instance, our first episode will tackle – at least to an extent – artificial intelligence.

During the discussion, we dive into how AI affects gaming and banking. In addition, each episode will include a look at the lighter side of any given topic.

The goal of the technology podcast is to make the complicated discussions of technology more accessible.

As stated above, we both have a great appreciation of what technology can make possible (both good and evil).

While Rey’s company specializes in introducing businesses to tech solutions, I spent most of my career satisfying a curiosity by speaking with the people who work in technology every day.

Let’s dig into that a little bit more.

Finding our audience

The average newspaper reader, frankly, is not as tech-forward as the average reader of a tech-specific news blog like TechCrunch.

As a reporter, I learned that traditional news organizations usually cater to general-interest readers.

However, in my day-to-day, I spoke with extremely specialized sources.

Essentially, I considered myself a translator of jargon.

DDT will be the podcast version of doing just that, with a little bit of fun and shenanigans thrown in for good measure.

Clearly, a podcast becomes almost like a laboratory, right? What we have planned will no doubt evolve over time.

We’d like to eventually have guests on to talk about their businesses and viewpoints.

But, for now, the intent is to provide roughly 30-minute dives into technology with discussion points taken from the headlines.

To access our enlightening tech technology podcast, follow us on Spotify! Stay informed about new releases by engaging with us on our social media platforms listed below. Like, comment, and subscribe to stay up to date in today’s ever-evolving technology world!

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