by reyortega | Jan 22, 2019 | From the CEO, Research & Development, Software Development
The most important aspect of a successful business is the ability to manage customer experience and ensure that it exceeds expectations. According to a GrooveHQ Blog Post, 86% of customers are willing to pay more for better customer experience. In addition to that if...
by jasonsenter | Jan 9, 2019 | Product Development, Product Management, Research & Development, Software Architecture, Software Development
Developing a Custom Software Solution is one that brings a sense of pride upon to yourself upon launching this brand new program live! Whether you develop an application for individual consumers, for other business’s use, or for your internal operations, Web,...
by Andre Moncayo | Jan 8, 2019 | Cloud Architecture, Cloud Solutions, Research & Development
Amazon Web Services has been showing up in several top analyst reports. In addition, these reports have been naming them named one of the best cloud service providers in the business. Subsequently, ISG Provider Lens released a quadrant report comparing provider...
by Andre Moncayo | Dec 11, 2018 | Cloud Architecture, Cloud Solutions, Research & Development, Technical Consulting
AWS Managed Services is a set of services and tools that automate infrastructure management tasks for Amazon Web Services Deployments. According to the report, “AWS Managed Services: removing the burden of infrastructure ops,” developed by 451 Research,...
by Andre Moncayo | Nov 21, 2018 | Cloud Architecture, Cloud Solutions, Research & Development
I just came across something incredible in quantum computer news! Moreover, QUTIS researchers from the UPV/EHU’s Department of Physical Chemistry modeled simple organisms that were capable of experiencing various phases of life in a controlled environment, which...