by Andre Moncayo | Oct 16, 2018 | Cloud Architecture, Cloud Solutions
Previously, while exploring Cloud Computing News, one of my favorite websites for news and insights in cloud technology, I discovered an article written by Jeff Keyes. It talks about the value of cloud adoption and the aspects that make it easier for developing on the...
by Andre Moncayo | Sep 28, 2018 | Product Management, Software Architecture
Breaking News! Facebook had a massive security breach affecting 50 million users which could allow attackers to take control of user accounts. Guy Rosen, VP of Product Management, just posted a blog on this event a few hours ago. The attack occurred on Tuesday,...
by reyortega | Sep 17, 2018 | Cloud Solutions, From the CEO, Technical Consulting, Uncategorized
Recently, the British Airways’ data breach by the hacker group, “Magecart,” raised eyebrows about the use of third-party source code. Magecart used malicious code to capture data entered by users of British Airways’ payment portal and sent the...
by reyortega | Sep 3, 2018 | Research & Development, Technical Consulting
Authentication is a process that deals with verifying that a user is who they claim to be. This usually starts with a user submitting a username and password to gain access to a web-based service. Each time a user attempts to interact with a service, a session is...
by davidl | Aug 20, 2018 | Research & Development, Technical Consulting
OWASP, or Open Web Application Security Project, is a global non-profit organization. Dedication to web application security is their mantra. OWASP has materials that make it easier for developers to understand how they can improve on the security side of their own...